Thursday, 7 January 2010

grub-probe: error: Cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdb1

I got this error;
grub-probe: error: Cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdb1

after adding a drive to my laptop and running
sudo /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig

I had to add an entry for the new drive in /boot/grub/
sudo vi /boot/grub/

I added the second line;
(hd0) /dev/sda
(hd1) /dev/sdb

I then regenerated the grub config
sudo /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig

Finally, I updated grub with the new config
sudo update-grub2

Note: Initially, I failed to update grub with the new config and received another error "Invalid signature" when trying to boot Windows off the second drive.


jaydro said...

Thanks--this fixed my problem!

Anonymous said...

This commande is not valid :
sudo update-grub2
but this one is
sudo update-grub