I've been playing about with Eucalyptus using the guide found
hereUnfortunately, that guide makes some assumptions and doesn't make it clear exactly what and where you should be performing the individual steps.
So, here is my modified version that is hopefully a bit less ambiguous.
A Eucalyptus system includes three high level packages:
eucalyptus-cloud - Provides front-end services (Cloud Controller) & the Walrus storage system.
eucalyptus-cc - Provides the Cluster Controller that provides support for the virtual network overlay
eucalyptus-nc - The Node Controller(s) interacts with KVM to manage the individual VMs
In the basic Eucalyptus setup I am building, the system is composed of two machines (a front-end and a node). The front end runs both eucalyptus-cloud and eucalyptus-cc. Because all these server components communicate via network messages, it is possible to separate the cloud and the cluster controller if required for larger or more complex multi-host setups.
Initially it was my idea to run the whole thing in virtual machines on my existing vmware server network, but I soon discovered that the virtualisation features of KVM would not work in an already virtualised machine so currently I have the cloud machine (including the CC) on a vmware guest and the cloudnc1 running on an old IBM NetVista desktop PC.
Step ONE: Install the OS on all target machines.
Obviously we are going to use Jaunty Server as that is the first version of Ubuntu that natively supports Eucalyptus. Simply do a standard install from the Jaunty CD to your target PC's.
Setup apt-cacher-ngStep TWO: Configuring the network.
Setup your local dns (or /etc/hosts on each machine) to apply names to the appropriate machines. In my case I use a local dns server but if you use hosts files you would put this in each file, adjusting to suit your particular IP subnet of course); cloud, cloudcc cloudnc1
You should be able to ping each machine by name now.
On the NC, you need to configure the network interface as a bridge. Here is a minimal example for /etc/network/interfaces;
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto br0
iface br0 inet static
bridge_ports eth0
bridge_fd 9
bridge_hello 2
bridge_maxage 12
bridge_stp off
Step THREE: Installing eucalyptus
sudo apt-get install eucalyptus-cloud eucalyptus-cc (on the cloud/cc machine)
sudo apt-get install eucalyptus-nc (on the node controller machines)
Now, edit /etc/eucalyptus.conf and change the line starting with VNET to;
The remainder of this article is based on the
original documentation from the Eucalyptus website and modified to be Jaunty specific and to clarify the places I found hard to understand.
a. Front-end ConfigurationTo connect the Eucalyptus components together, you will need to register the Cluster with the Cloud, and register each Node with the Cluster. On the front-end, do:
brettg@cloud:~$ sudo /usr/sbin/euca_conf -addcluster testcluster cloudcc /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf
New cluster 'cloudcc' on host 'cloudcc' successfully added.
Add the hostname for the node controller;
brettg@cloud:~$ sudo /usr/sbin/euca_conf -addnode cloudnc1 /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf
[sudo] password for brettg:
First, please run the following commands on 'cloudnc1':
sudo apt-get install eucalyptus-nc
sudo tee ~eucalyptus/.ssh/authorized_keys > /dev/null [[EOT
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAyjVCCEXvkWYEy6DPaaPbndYBsGOrKZfKqlRi/WA7OMLYnOJ229dz3f5y+KgSqEOAsyQDsuk2WnK+wleQ82HJdAOV9z1MAUZC0bH2lV5NbTwYfWNotPZal+Pey5zhhOsdx0Qzir2pYDuAYJvRopfuTpCzPybAj/bUj943iDWTCMrGGr0NZsY4tOPHekKgDyph5c3S4U4odqnBWGAYPZIRSzf+BBs+Z3xK8+vsroNsC79TkZ/lXQMEOAkgytHuxVJ9FU5V5mTzwJxsg8nBVrkxgkNiIsB9aSHZQk0KbOPJ0leejI7UPNstXi3HAzrwMrpRAKi/Bu6+2hkMkJmS4t+EGQ== eucalyptus@cloud
hit return to continue
At this point you need to copy everything beginning with "sudo tee" and ending with "EOT" (inclusive) and then login to the NC and paste it into a bash shell.
After you do that, hit "enter" and you should see something like this;
cloud-cert.pem 100% 1289 1.3KB/s 00:00
cloud-pk.pem 100% 1675 1.6KB/s 00:00
cluster-cert.pem 100% 1302 1.3KB/s 00:00
cluster-pk.pem 100% 1679 1.6KB/s 00:00
clusters.p12 100% 7539 7.4KB/s 00:00
euca.p12 100% 5035 4.9KB/s 00:00
nc-client-policy.xml 100% 2834 2.8KB/s 00:00
node-cert.pem 100% 1302 1.3KB/s 00:00
node-pk.pem 100% 1675 1.6KB/s 00:00
users.p12 100% 2646 2.6KB/s 00:00
SUCCESS: added node 'cloudnc1' to '/etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf'
2. Running Eucalyptus
First, make sure that you have all of the runtime dependencies of Eucalyptus installed, based on your chosen set of configuration parameters. If there is a problem with runtime dependencies (for instance, if Eucalyptus cannot find/interact with them), all errors will be reported in log files located in /var/log/eucalyptus on the front end.
Use the init-scripts to restart each component on the appropriate host.
On the front-end;
sudo /etc/init.d/eucalyptus-cloud restart
sudo /etc/init.d/eucalyptus-cc restart
And on compute node you would run:
sudo /etc/init.d/eucalyptus-nc restart
3. First-time Run-time Setup
To configure eucalyptus, after you you have started all components, login to;
(WARNING: on some machines it may take few minutes after starting the Cloud Controller for the URL to be responsive) You will be prompted for a user/password which is set to admin/admin. Upon logging in you will be guided through three first-time tasks:
1. You will be forced to change the admin password.
2. You will be asked to set the admin's email address.
3. You will be asked to confirm the URL of the Walrus service
To use the system with the EC2 client tools, you must generate user credentials. Click the 'Credentials' tab and download your certificates via the 'Download certificates' button. You will be able to use these x509 certificates with Amazon EC2 tools and third-party tools like rightscale.com.
On your admin workstation create a directory;
mkdir $HOME/.euca
unpack the credentials into it, and execute the included 'eucarc':
. $HOME/.euca/eucarc
Note: that you will have to enter the full path to this file every time you intend to use the EC2 command-line tools, or you may add it to your local default environment.
Note: As for getting a virtual machine image working I have yet to figure that much out. The documentation is again rather lacking in that regard,